Security tops list of CMS priorities for IT teams in 2020

Security has topped the list of CMS priorities in 2020, with over half (51%) of IT teams saying security is a top priority for them in the year ahead. That’s according to new research from leading content management provider, Magnolia.

Jan 15, 2020 | 10:00 AM

Security has topped the list of CMS priorities in 2020, with over half (51%) of IT teams saying security is a top priority for them in the year ahead. That’s according to new research from leading content management provider, Magnolia.

The Magnolia report, ‘The State of CMS 2020’ incorporates a survey of over 200 marketers across both the UK and US, and looks to build a deeper understanding of what it is that businesses want and need from their content management systems.

After security, the next priorities for IT teams in 2020 are flexibility (40%), integration with systems (35%), ease of use (34%) and support (29%).

The report also found that IT has the final say when it comes to selecting a CMS. However, IT teams must also consider the needs of marketers who typically look for a CMS that can publish content quickly (41%), is easy to use (38%) and is customizable (41%).

Commenting on the research findings, Darren Hitchcock, General Manager at Magnolia said: “With the number of cyber-attacks on the rise and an increase in the number of brands with a greater digital presence, it makes sense that security should top the list of top priorities for IT teams in 2020.”

He added: “When selecting a CMS, it can be all too easy for teams to make siloed decisions that only fulfil their needs. But despite their focus on more technical considerations, IT teams must also be aware of the demand from marketing and are looking to deploy a CMS that can deliver content quickly and with ease, but without compromising on security.”

To download the full ‘The State of CMS: 2020 & Beyond’ report, click here.

About Magnolia

Magnolia is a leading digital experience software company. We help brands outsmart their competition through better customer experiences and faster DX projects. Get full headless flexibility and seamless workflows across best-of-breed digital experience stacks.

Global leaders such as Tesco, Avis, Generali and the New York Times all rely on Magnolia for maximum reliability, high-speed project implementation and exceptional omnichannel experiences.

Magnolia is a privately-held company, founded in 1997, with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland and subsidiaries around the globe. 

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This report incorporates data from a study of 100 in-house marketers in the US, 100 in-house marketers in the UK, 100 senior IT decision makers in the US and 100 senior IT professionals in the UK. The study was commissioned by Magnolia and conducted by independent research house Censuswide. The study was completed in June 2019.