Mehr Erfolg im B2B E-Commerce

Die B2B-Branche wird immer digitaler. Genau wie beim privaten Shopping erwarten Kunden von B2B-Unternehmen online eine informative und entgegenkommende Customer Journey. Das stellt Marketing und IT in diesen Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Wie begegnen sie ihnen?

Im Magnolia Whitepaper erfahren Sie mehr:

  • über die aktuellen Herausforderungen im B2B E-Commerce.
  • darüber, welche Kriterien für B2B-Marketer, IT und Entwickler bei der Auswahl neuer Technologien entscheidend sind.
  • darüber, was ein CMS für den B2B E-Commerce alles können und liefern muss (mit Checklisten).
  • darüber, wie Bechtle erfolgreich eine Digital Experience Platform mit Magnolia aufgebaut hat.


Wisdom From a Head of Ecommerce: Five Takeaways From Hannu Vangsgaard on Why Digital Commerce Is So Complex
Interview Hannu Vangsgaard, Digital Business Accelerator (EN)

Wisdom From a Head of Ecommerce: Why Digital Commerce Is So Complex

Digital commerce is crucial for businesses undergoing modern digital transformation. But ecommerce isn’t just a technology add-on. Check out the five takeaways from one of the top minds in ecommerce, Hannu Vangsgaard, and learn how to get your business prepared.

Shopping experience

One seamless shopping experience

Avoid the dreaded “two-site syndrome” that happens when customers are served a disjointed experience during the exploration and buying phases. With Magnolia, customers get a cohesive journey across ecommerce channels no matter where they are in the purchase journey.


Easy authoring and control

Eliminate the need to toggle back and forth between your Ecommerce platform, your CMS, and your PIM. Your marketers and merchandisers will be comfortable and in control, accessing your Ecommerce solutions through Magnolia as if they were a single system and working in its light, modern, user-friendly UI.


Future-poof flexibility

Easily integrate Magnolia with your legacy systems, deploy in the cloud or on-premises, go headless and deliver content via API, or use Magnolia as a traditional content management system. You don’t have to ditch your existing technology investments in order to build a modern ecommerce experience for your customers.

“The watersports industry is very visual, so we needed a unique way of showcasing our equipment in use in beautiful locations. With Magnolia, we can pull all of our imagery together in one place and build and preview colorful pages that we know our customers will enjoy. It is really quick and extremely easy to use and our teams can now effectively monitor and maintain all of our web pages within one platform.”
Maik Jablonski

Charlie Kernan

Managing Director at King of Watersports