Die Content-Plattform für E-Commerce











DE hero visual mobile

Verwenden Sie Magnolia als CMS?

Verwenden Sie Magnolia als Content Hub, um Content über das Web und all Ihre Kanäle hinweg wiederzuverwenden? Dann ist dies der richtige Ort für Ihren Review.

Gartner Peer Insights

Gartner Peer Insights

Marketing is all about ideas. And Marketing Excellence is about good ideas made great. Our core focus is centered around helping you understand how Magnolia can enhance your marketing programs at a deeper level.

We’ve put together a series of engaging events to not only give you insight into Magnolia’s powerful marketing features, but to also connect you directly with like-minded customers to build your network. 

Take a peek at the upcoming events we have installed just for you:



Innovative development practices and skillful craftsmanship are principles which underpin technical excellence.

Our technical focus places a practical lens on the latest development concepts and cutting edge building blocks which help you deliver fast, flexible and future proof technical solutions.

Join one of our events below to gain an immersive experience directly with not only Magnolia experts, but also like-minded techies straight from our great customer base, over pizzas and a cool beer. What’s not to like!

G2 Crowd und Capterra

G2 Crowd und Capterra

Bringen Sie Ihr E-Commerce-Setup auf das nächste Level ...

Switch DE-1

Become an Author

Sie haben große Marketingziele, aber Ihr CMS schränkt Sie ein? Erweitern Sie Ihr eingesetztes E-Commerce-System um das Headless CMS von Magnolia und schaffen Sie moderne Content-driven Shopping-Experiences. 

Replatform DE-1

Ihr bisheriger E-Commerce-Stack kommt an seine Grenzen? Ergänzen Sie Ihren Tech-Stack um Magnolias Digital Experience Platform und profitieren Sie von mehr Geschwindigkeit, Einfachheit und Flexibilität.


Jemima White - Your Customer Success Manager

Need more help with understanding how Magnolia can help with your Marketing objectives?

No problem, I’m here to help.


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