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Stay tuned to find out what you how we can help you...

If you’re looking understand more about Magnolia’s flexibility and features, then you’ve arrived at the right place. We’re created a dynamic mix of workshops, webinars and live events for you to join to discover more about Magnolia and how our digital experience platform can compliment and enhance your digital strategies.

Marketing Excellence

Marketing Excellence

Marketing is all about ideas. And Marketing Excellence is about good ideas made great. Our core focus is centered around helping you understand how Magnolia can enhance your marketing programs at a deeper level.

We’ve put together a series of engaging events to not only give you insight into Magnolia’s powerful marketing features, but to also connect you directly with like-minded customers to build your network. 

Take a peek at the upcoming events we have installed just for you:

Technical Excellence

Technical Excellence

Innovative development practices and skillful craftsmanship are principles which underpin technical excellence.

Our technical focus places a practical lens on the latest development concepts and cutting edge building blocks which help you deliver fast, flexible and future proof technical solutions.

Join one of our events below to gain an immersive experience directly with not only Magnolia experts, but also like-minded techies straight from our great customer base, over pizzas and a cool beer. What’s not to like!

People Excellence

People Excellence

Magnolia’s success is based on the success of our customers and Magnolia simply put wouldn’t be Magnolia without you! To signify our thanks for your commitment to Magnolia we’re dedicating Q4 to say a huge thank you, just for you. 

There comes a time in the year when we should be giving ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done and this is certainly the quarter for it. And here’s what you have to look forward to…


Switch CN-1

Become an Author

您现有的 CMS 限制了线上业务的增长?用 Magnolia 来为您的客户创建引人入胜的数字体验,以推动线上业务的增长。

Replatform CN-1

您现有的技术架构是否还能满足客户数字体验的需求?集成 Magnolia 与最先进的产品管理系统和营销自动化系统,为您的客户打造一流的数字体验的同时保证技术架构能够灵活地适应未来的变化。


Jemima White - Your Customer Success Manager

Need more help with understanding how Magnolia can help with your Marketing objectives?

No problem, I’m here to help.


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