Choosing a CMS or DXP:
Lottoland’s learnings

A step-by-step guide through their repeatable process

Magnolia teamed up with Agata Zwan, Product Manager of Lottoland, at our 2022 conference NEXT, where she shared invaluable insights on how to tackle this (often) complex process. 

Turns out it doesn’t have to be complex - let her show you the 5 steps to success!


Step 1

Market research

Understanding what the analysts are saying and getting under the hood of solutions by attending product demos. 

We’ve been recognized as a “Visionary” in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Experience Platforms. Download the full report.


Step 2

Understanding needs

Take stock of your current business and technical requirements, conduct interviews with your team, and understand the areas for improvement. 

Unsure where to start? Here are 5 Signs it’s Time to Select a New CMS.


Step 3

Proof of concept (Our favourite!)

You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it? The same principle should apply when evaluating CMS solutions; see how the solution fits your use cases. 

Find out everything you need to know to select the best CMS for your team and what to include in a PoC – Choosing a CMS: The Ultimate Guide.


Step 4

Contract, SLA…

Negotiating the contract is a two-way exchange; think about the future in terms of scalability and total cost of ownership. 

Siding with a composable architecture can help realise true business value and overcome future volatility – The Purpose of a Modern DXP Stack


Step 5

Final thoughts

Agata’s key learnings and reflections from the end-to-end process. It probably comes as no surprise, but people play a pretty significant role! 

But don’t just take our word for it - explore further what people really think about us – Why Customers Love Working With Magnolia.


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